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William Harman

Senior Executive Consultant

Mr. William Harman spent nine years in uniform and an additional six years supporting DTRA as a contractor. He is a former Deputy Director for the Research and Development Directorate, Deputy Chief of the Nuclear Weapons Effects Division and Branch Chief of the Nuclear Assessments Branch in Nuclear Technologies Department (RD-NT) and a Weapons Effects Program Manager in DTRA’s Technology Development Office (now Counter WMD Technologies [RD-CX]). After retiring from the Army in 2014 as a Colonel, Mr. Harman supported DTRA in leading a variety of DTRA contracts, including advisory & assistance services (A&AS) support to DTRA’s J10 Nuclear Enterprise Directorate (NE), J3/7 Operations, Readiness, and Exercises, and Cooperative Threat Reduction Directorate. While at ARServices as the former Senior Vice President of Operations, Mr. Harman managed a DTRA portfolio that included the RD PMO A&AS contract plus four other DTRA CBRN-related contracts.

Prior to ARServices, Mr. Harman held significant leadership positions at Branch Civil, where he was the Director of Operations, as well as at Engility Corporation, where he oversaw CBRN operations and provided strategic support to various DoD initiatives. His contributions at Engility included leading a portfolio supporting DoD with advisory and assistance services, enhancing CBRN capabilities, and managing extensive teams and budgets.

Mr. Harman’s career is marked by his strategic and operational acumen in both military and civilian roles. While serving as the Deputy Director for Research and Development at DTRA, he managed a $1B annual portfolio focused on CWMD and high explosives. Mr. Harman holds a Master’s Degree in Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College and a Master’s in Nuclear Engineering from the Air Force Institute of Technology.